Thursday, July 19, 2012

Amber McCourtney 3

Gruel and Drool
So, remember that "process" I was talking about? 
Well yeah...its grueling! Oh how I dream of chocolate and sweet sugary confections. Seriously, I literally dream of chocolate cake! I'm officially 13 weeks out from my first show and beginning to get a taste of what competition prep is all about. Its like constantly being high on caffeine. There is so much excitement that comes with this. Last weekend I was able to go to St. Louis Naturals with the girls and had a blast! You could just feel the energy. A buzzing all around you; every guy and girl making any last adjustments to hair, makeup and TAN! Just the icing on the cake if you ask me.
I got to be a helper for one of the more experienced girls on the team Brooke. 
Talk about class! Being able to be backstage was an experience in itself but being able to help was the tops. I was lucky enough to watch as she marked each step off her mental checklist: tan, bikini bite, hair, makeup, shoes, pump, pose, gloss. And even with all the chaos and stress she stayed so cool and collected, no figure-zilla here. That's one thing I've come to learn about this team of Debs. To describe it in one word I'd say humble. The terms polite and lady like come to mind but then I'm reminded by my lack of both on occasion, when my silly tomboy persona takes over or the sugar cravings sneak up on me. Surely I'm not the only one with these feelings. But every girl is so understanding, respectful, gracious.. I can only conclude that humble is the word that fits them best. It makes me proud to wear that tank top. 
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Needless to say the girls did fantastic!! Every one of them from our "little sweety bean" Ali to our pros with Brooke as our newest addition to that list! There is no doubt in my mind that these ladies have what it takes.
This brings me back to the grueling part. Last week was my new back day completely and totally revamped. Debbie is in shred mode. It's time to hit all the little places that make the difference. AND BOY CAN I TELL THE DIFFERENCE. I had stopped getting sore from my normal back workouts but after my first day at the gym on my own I was definitely aware that these new adjustments were working.  Note to self cables rock!!

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