Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Amber McCourtney 2

 WHAT A WEEK!!  So, last week I talked about how I get started with my trainer Debbie Portell and the Powerhouse crew. I knew as soon as I got together with the team that i was in for a fantastic experience. But, being so green in the competition world, I'm never quite sure what to expect. I'm beginning to learn to just have faith in the process. Once you find a good trainer and nutritionist it's best to just let them do most of the analyzing lol!

I finally got to lift with Deb. I'm used to having heavier weight and doing fewer variations of an exercise; paying less attention to the teeny tiny details. I do my best to maintain form but i never realized how such a slight repositioning can make such a great amount of difference. We adjusted my hands on my chin-ups, and broke my rows into three different exercises, each with a different grip. I did everything at a lighter weight just to focus on my form and even at only 60lbs I was beginning to struggle by the end of the session.  

One of my goals at the moment is trying to keep the focus away form my traps. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having well formed traps lol BUT, I've been carrying the load with them for so long I'm hindering the growth in my back. Just one more thing I wouldn't have known on my own.

I had that " Ah Ha" moment when something as simple as the positioning of your pelvis during your back workout is adjusted and suddenly your body makes sense of it all.. 

That mental "click" is a fabulous feeling! 

On the diet end of things I met with Roger for the first time. I stepped into his office slightly intimidated and left slightly puzzled. He has put me on a carbohydrate baseline in order to determine how my body handles carbs since everyone is different. I'll be honest though when he told me to have a lean meat SANDWICH (you know the kind with bread) for lunch, I thought he had lost it. But even knowing little about Roger, I know that he is very; and I do mean VERY; good at what he does. Matter of fact he's been at it for 22 years or so. 

For the first 3 days I felt huge. I loved my oats but I was feeling large and in charge! I was loosing confidence. I was up 4lbs and and getting nervous when all of a sudden it just fell into place. I dropped back down and am now at a loss of 5 for a total of -1. I'm still learning how this makes sense. Just goes back to the idea of having faith. 

You may not understand it but you have just got to keep trucking and trust in the process because as I was able to see over the weekend it pays off!

I'll tell you more about the 2012 NANBF St. Louis Natural Bodybuilding Classic in the next blog. 

Check out the videos of our session on Debbie's Facebook! :)

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