Friday, December 28, 2012

Amber McCourtney 11

"Is this what you plan on doing for the rest if your life!?!?" 

That was the question and a weighty one at that. My answer came quick. An answer of which I had never been more sure, "That's the plan." I replied.

    This wasn't a realization that came immediately. You don't just make a change in you lifestyle and in that very moment know that this is it for all eternity, "forever and ever amen". It was some time during my preparation for my first show that I realized that the new lifestyle I had begun was one that I wouldn't be able to just get up and walk away from. It sank in slowly but as it did my resolution grew stronger. And I can confidently stand now before any opposition and firmly say this is it, this is me, this is how I plan to live for the rest of my life. 

Most people don't see this beyond that show you've been talking about. They think when it's over your "normal" again. I've ceased to be "normal" but if normal means unhealthy, relying on the poison of fats, sugars and preservatives to dictate my moods, weighing my happiness in ounces of sweet liquids then count me out. If those are what measures a persons normalcy then I am completely okay with being different, odd, strange. Personally I think I'm perfectly normal. I'm a mother, a daughter, and dog lover. I'm an employee, a student, a friend and a sister. I feel hunger and pain. I bleed red just like the next person and I cry watching hallmark specials. I sometimes loose battles with cravings and sometimes I make poor choices. I'm human. 

I just choose to make better decisions when my body is in the balance. I thank God for giving me the ability to do what I do, and allowing me the ability to overcome my obstacles and trudge on day in and day out. This is exactly what I plan to for as long as I am able. It's the path I was lead to and the one I've chosen to walk till my legs refuse to carry me, because we are given one body, one life, one shot, and I intend to make the most of it!